End of Support for 32-bit Windows

Dear Customer


Thank you for using Cutting Planner.
We have decided to discontinue providing Cutting Planner 32-bit version at the end of 2023.


Reasons for the discontinuation

  • No problems have occurred due to the transition to the 64-bit version.
  • Usage of the 32-bit version has been almost zero since the 64-bit version was released
  • Since the Windows 10 May 2020 Update, the 32-bit version of Windows has already been discontinued.
  • Cutting Planner may not perform well on PCs with 4GB of memory.


Although there are small improvements with each version upgrade, the efficiency and stability of Cutting Planner have greatly improved compared to a few years ago.
Upgrading is free of charge. We hope that customers who have not upgraded for a long time will take this opportunity to consider upgrading.


Notes on migration to the 64-bit version

If the installation folder is standard
"C:\Program Files (x86)\RectPacker\" to
"C:\Program Files\RectPacker\"
The change will be made.
Uninstall the current 32-bit version and reinstall the 64-bit version. The license key and configuration items must be re-installed.


The download location is